Blogger Reflection Award

Holly has given me my first ever blogger award. I am deeply blessed to be honored by someone I hold in such high esteem.

“The reason for the title is because this award should make you reflect on five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and have been a Godly example to you. Five Bloggers who when you reflect on them you get a sense of pride and joy… of knowing them and being blessed by them.

This award is for the best-of-the-best so consider who you pick, carefully. This award should not be given to just anyone. If you’re going to do the award don’t just write a few words and slap it on your blog. Write real thoughts about these bloggers and what they’ve been to you, and if the bloggers you pick have already been given the award, don’t be afraid to give to them again. They deserve it as many times as it’s given.”

Rules of participating:
1. Copy this post.
2. Replace [my bloggers with yours] & Reflect on five bloggers and write a least a paragraph about each one.
3. Make sure you link this post so others can read it and the rules.
4. Go leave your chosen bloggers a comment and let them know they’ve been given the award.
5. Put the award icon on your site.

Here are my five nominees:

1. Holly, I’m going to serve this one right back at ya’. There are only a few women I have known who inspire me to a deeper walk with God merely by their example. You are one of them.

2. Patricia, your encouragement to me along my caretaking journey has been a healing balm to my sometimes weary soul and the beauty you express through your pictures takes my breath away. Taking time to reflect on your Pollywog Pictures is also a healing thing in my life.

3. Ann and I have a few things in common. We are both homeschooling moms and we are both married to farmers (pig farmers too I believe…am I correct Ann?) Ann has a passion for holiness that she expresses so poetically. Her passion fans my own small flame so that each time I read her blog it grows a little brighter and we have one more thing in common, our love for Christ.

4. How could I compile a list of bloggers who bless my life without mentionning Dawn? (Formerly of JavaDawn but now a “Confused Christian“) My friendship with Dawn has been God-ordained from the very beginning and a deep blessing in my life. Words are too small a thing to try and express how thankful I am, Dawn, that God made you mindful of me that hot summer two years ago.

5. For my fifth and final nominee, I would like to present Danica . In addition to Shadow of the Lion, Danica is also a contributor to Maidens of Modesty. I appreciate Danica for so many reasons, but they can all be summed up by saying I wish I would have been where she is in her walk with Christ when I was her age. Well done, Danica, you are already making an impact in this world for his Kingdom. I can’t wait to see what Father is going to do with you next!

9 thoughts on “Blogger Reflection Award

  1. Oh, Michelle!!!!! You truly humble me. That the Lord would use me to bless and encourage anyone is truly to His glory! I am much more impressed with your tender caregiving heart than I could ever be with mine. (((((Hugs)))))

  2. Dawn, thou art forgiven for thy shameless promotion. I’ve visited the site once before and am encouraged.

    Patricia, we had the LOVELIEST evening here tonight. Mavis came over and shared a humble dinner with us (mac-n-cheese & ham sandwich). After dinner, she folded clothes for me and listened to the kids practice their piano lesson while I did the dishes. It was EXACTLY what I had in mind when I offered to move in with her except that it was at my house, not hers. God is soooooo good to me.

  3. Michelle,

    I am so humbled and honored. That sounds trite – but I mean it from my heart. You have been a godly example to me as I prepare to take care of my parents. Your giving and loving and servant heart is what Jesus wants to see in ALL of us.

    As I think about it – how remarkable that God put me in touch with you (via Dawn) and Patricia at this precise season of my life – ladies who have cared for both children and their elderly at the same time. You tell me that we can indeed do it, AND be the richer for it.

    Bless you during these days, Michelle.

  4. Holly, I thought you were on summer blog-break. I am so glad you stopped by and thank you (again) for your kind words. The admiration and affection is mutual!

    Dawn cared for her mum when she was dying from cancer, so she’s also a good resource for you.

    I think caretaking is like anything else that God calls you to…when you are living out His will, what He has called you to for that season, His grace is sufficient; it carries you through.

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to tell you all how much you mean to me!

  5. Yes, Michelle, swine producers we are ~warmsmile~.

    You bless me. And make me blush ~warmsmile~ Thank you for your kindnesses, Michelle. God continue to bless the work of your hands, sister.
    I see Jesus in you.


  6. Oh! *doesn’t know what to say* Mrs. Michelle!!! I am beyond honored!
    I appreciate it so much, it really blesses me that you would even think of me!
    I also am very blessed by your words of encouragement, you cannot know how those words minister to my heart. Thank you!

    *runs off to write up a blog and think up who she should add*

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